After travelling 17,000 kilometres to the 2023 Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Tallinn, Estonia, Trust Democracy’s Chair, Simon Wright, reflects on one of the most energising and inspiring conferences he has attended. It was just a shame that he was the only New Zealand delegate. It would have been hugely beneficial for New Zealand ministers, politicians, officials and civil society reformers to have been there too.

Tag: Democratic future
Michael Baker speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM
Watch the video or read the transcript of Professor Michael Baker speaking to Trust Democracy’s 2023 AGM about disinformation, science, trust, democracy, and the newly established Public Health Communication Centre, download his presentation slides and access Trust Democracy’s AGM reports, statements and minutes.
Third Annual General Meeting featuring Professor Michael Baker
Trust Democracy’s third AGM will feature Professor Michael Baker and will be held on 9 May 2023, 7.30-9.00pm by Zoom.
Annual General Meeting 2022
You are warmly invited to Trust Democracy’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12 April 2022. The meeting will be held by Zoom video conference.
Open government, the media, and democracy
In a response to columns in the Dominion Post about government openness, Simon Wright and Andrew Ecclestone suggest the media involve their readers in shaping policy debates.
Have local councils helped us enough to help ourselves?
The future of local democracy is far too important to be left to politicians and experts alone. Simon Wright writes that ordinary people need to be at the table too.
Could there be a seismic shift in democratic politics ‘after’ COVID?
This is a record of Democracy ‘after’ COVID, a Zoom workshop hosted by Trust Democracy on 2 November 2021 and led by Prof. Lyn Carson, the Research Director of the newDemocracy Foundation. A video, some reflections about what happened, and some suggested actions are included.
‘Homework’ for Democracy
A resource list for people with an appetite for learning more about what it takes to make democracy work as it should.
Democracy ‘after’ COVID
Trust Democracy is pleased to bring you Democracy ‘after’ COVID, an interactive Zoom workshop with Lyn Carson to explore democracy’s past, present and future. The workshop will be held on Tuesday 2 November 2021, 7.30-9.00pm, by Zoom. For the Zoom…