Keitha Booth & Mei Jen on NDC OGP webpage

Taiwan’s Open Government Co-Creation Brief 2024

Keitha Booth, who is a Reviewer for the Open Government Partnership Independent Review Mechanism and a Trust Democracy member, announces the publication of the Taiwan Open Government Co-Creation Brief 2024.

I am pleased to announce the publication of the Taiwan Open Government Co-Creation Brief 2024, which I wrote with Associate Professor Mei Jen Hung for the National Development Council (Taiwan) with peer review by Nodar Kherkheulidze.

The brief is available in two formats:

Based on the Open Government Partnership’s Independent Reporting Mechanism review process, this brief offers advice and recommendations to the National Development Council for co-creating and designing Taiwan’s second open government national action plan following the January 2024 Presidential and Legislative elections. It is based on local and international interviews and external research between February and April 2024.

The independent reviewers recommend that government departments that are interested in and resourced to implement open government change develop the new open government commitments with the Open Government Task Force and civil society representatives. Their recommendations to improve the co-creation process cover:

  • open government program resourcing, funding, and training
  • Task Force membership
  • public participation
  • publicity.

Areas of opportunity to consider for new commitments include:

  • continuing and expanding open government data work 
  • gathering data on the progress of indigenous language, culture, and art
  • public engagement and artificial intelligence language models
  • promoting Taiwan’s open government successes and achievements.

The independent reviewers endorse the advice from a member of Taiwan’s second open government Task Force, CEO of DSP, Inc:

I think open government can help civil servants do their jobs. The more transparent the government is, the more citizens understand what civil servants do. Civil servants can save time explaining what they are doing, and citizens can trust civil servants and the government more.

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