
This page lists Trust Democracy publications including submissions, letters and other resources.

Plans, guides and resources

Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026
[download PDF]
7 Jun 2024
Our Local Councils: Are people having enough say on what happens in their area?
A choicebook to support small group deliberative workshops.
[download PDF]
18 Dec 2021

Submissions, briefings and letters

Submission on Statistics NZ discussion document ‘Modernising our approach to the 2028 Census’
[download PDF]
18 Jun 2024
Letter to Leader of the Labour Party encouraging the use of deliberative methods in its policy development process
[download PDF]
5 May 2024
Response to the Ministry of Justice with feedback on paper about improving scrutiny of OIA exemptions under Commitment 7 of New Zealand’s fourth Open Government Partnership National Action Plan.
[download PDF]
17 Mar 2024
Feedback on a Health Coalition Aotearoa discussion document called “A Balance of Voices: Options for the regulation of lobby in New Zealand” by Max Rashbrooke.
[download PDF]
9 Mar 2024
Media Release based on a survey developed with 7 civil society organisations: All Main Parties affirm New Zealand’s Membership of the Open Government Partnership.
[download PDF]
4 Oct 2023
Submission to the Justice Committee regarding the Declaration of inconsistency: Voting age in the Electoral Act 1993 and the Local Government Act 2001.
[download PDF]
15 Mar 2023
Submission on the draft National Action Plan under the Open Government Partnership.
[download PDF]
12 Dec 2022
Email to all elected local government politicians alerting them to the Review into the Future of Local Government recommendation for the use of deliberative public engagement, to Trust Democracy’s webpage of deliberative process resources, and to our collaboration with Local Government New Zealand to produce 3 webinars for local government in early 2023 on deliberative public engagement.
[download PDF]
Submission on the discussion document issued by the Independent Electoral Review Panel.
[download PDF]
21 Nov 2022
Joint letter with 5 other civil society organisations to the Minister responsible for the Open Government Partnership before the GOV cabinet committee meeting on 17 November regarding its consideration of the cabinet paper about finalising the draft National Action Plan.
[download PDF]
15 Nov 2022
Joint letter with 6 other civil society organisations to the Minister responsible for the Open Government Partnership regarding the co-creation of NZ’s fourth National Action Plan after their 5 October meeting with him.
[download PDF]
7 Oct 2022
Joint letter with 6 other civil society organisations to the Minister responsible for the Open Government Partnership regarding the co-creation of NZ’s fourth National Action Plan before their 5 October meeting with him.
[download PDF]
30 Sep 2022
Letter to all Members of Parliament expressing our deep concern about the direction of the Government’s charities reform agenda.
[download PDF]
20 Sep 2022
Submission to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee on the Aotearoa New Zealand Public Media Bill by a group convened by Koi Tū: The Centre for Informed Futures that included Trust Democracy.
[download PDF from Parliament’s website]
Sep 2022
Submission to the Standing Orders Committee on the Review of Parliament’s Standing Orders.
[download PDF]
16 Sep 2022
Letter to the Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector expressing our deep concern about the direction of the Government’s charities reform agenda.
[download PDF]
13 July 2022
Letter to the Chair of the Local Government Review Panel offering Trust Democracy’s Our Local Councils choicebook as a basis for deliberative public engagement.
[download PDF]
9 March 2022
Joint letter and briefing with 7 other civil society organisations to the Minister responsible for the Open Government Partnership with ideas and issues for NZ’s fourth National Action Plan.
[download PDF]
6 Dec 2021
Submission to Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs about its Long-Term Insights Briefing on Participatory Democracy.
[download PDF]
19 Nov 2021
Submission to Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission about the development of the Fourth National Action Plan under the Open Government Partnership.
[download PDF]
28 Jul 2021
Letter to the Chair of the Local Government Review Panel recommending the consideration of deliberative democracy.
[download PDF]
8 Jun 2021
Submission to the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee on the Incorporated Societies Bill with a focus on issues for small societies.
[download PDF]
28 May 2021
Joint letter with 9 other civil society organisations to the Minister responsible for the Open Government Partnership regarding concerns about the Fourth National Action Plan under the Open Government Partnership.
[download PDF]
15 Mar 2021