In a response to columns in the Dominion Post about government openness, Simon Wright and Andrew Ecclestone suggest the media involve their readers in shaping policy debates.
News (page 3)
A quarter of the electorate are not represented in NZ’s Parliament: What should we do?
Whilst exploring an idea about providing representation for non-voters, Simon Wright was surprised to find that New Zealand’s A+ rated electoral system fails to represent a quarter of the eligible population.
Have local councils helped us enough to help ourselves?
The future of local democracy is far too important to be left to politicians and experts alone. Simon Wright writes that ordinary people need to be at the table too.
Could there be a seismic shift in democratic politics ‘after’ COVID?
This is a record of Democracy ‘after’ COVID, a Zoom workshop hosted by Trust Democracy on 2 November 2021 and led by Prof. Lyn Carson, the Research Director of the newDemocracy Foundation. A video, some reflections about what happened, and some suggested actions are included.
‘Homework’ for Democracy
A resource list for people with an appetite for learning more about what it takes to make democracy work as it should.
Democracy ‘after’ COVID
Trust Democracy is pleased to bring you Democracy ‘after’ COVID, an interactive Zoom workshop with Lyn Carson to explore democracy’s past, present and future. The workshop will be held on Tuesday 2 November 2021, 7.30-9.00pm, by Zoom. For the Zoom…
On the path to democratic renewal
John Pennington suggests how the work of Canadian political scientist Mark E. Warren can help us help us think about the task of improving our democracy.
Max Rashbrooke speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM
Max Rashbrooke, author of ‘Government for the Public Good’ and the 2017 report on open government, ‘Bridges Both Ways’, was the guest speaker at Trust Democracy’s AGM in April 2021.
Overcoming obstacles to deepening democracy in Aotearoa New Zealand
Text of Max Rashbrooke’s speech at Trust Democracy’s AGM in April 2021.