
List of related posts

A hunger for democratic innovation: the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Polis in the words of their ‘creators’

Watch the video or read the transcript of ‘Democratic innovation: why we need it and how we can do it’, a webinar featuring Art O’Leary on his experience of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Colin Megill on Polis, one of the most promising tools for enabling large-scale online deliberation. The webinar was held on 14 June 2023 and was moderated by Anne Bardsley from Koi Tū: the Centre for Informed Futures at Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland.
Photograph of Professor Michael Baker

Michael Baker speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM

Watch the video or read the transcript of Professor Michael Baker speaking to Trust Democracy’s 2023 AGM about disinformation, science, trust, democracy, and the newly established Public Health Communication Centre, download his presentation slides and access Trust Democracy’s AGM reports, statements and minutes.