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Charities Act Review

In collaboration with Sue Barker Charities Law, Trust Democracy facilitated the involvement of over 650 people and organisations in the 2019 review of the Charities Act. It appears that this input played a part in the Government’s decision to pause the review and reconsider its direction.


An eclectic selection of references to podcasts, books, papers and websites about democracy and ways of fostering inclusion.

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Wellington U3A presentation, 25 October 2024

Whither Open Government in New Zealand?

At a U3A Wellington City session on 25 October 2024, Keitha Booth, a Trust Democracy member and international open government reviewer, explored how countries use their Open Government Partnership (OGP) memberships to systematically work with civil society to improve democratic participation, accountability and transparency, including through the use of technology. Now that the NZ Government has decided to remain in the OGP, she suggests ways to reinvigorate NZ’s open government programme based on her independent reviews of four OGP members and Taiwan, thus ensuring that open government in NZ does not continue to wither.
Delegates at OGP Global Summit

My democratic sauna in Estonia

After travelling 17,000 kilometres to the 2023 Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Tallinn, Estonia, Trust Democracy’s Chair, Simon Wright, reflects on one of the most energising and inspiring conferences he has attended. It was just a shame that he was the only New Zealand delegate. It would have been hugely beneficial for New Zealand ministers, politicians, officials and civil society reformers to have been there too.

A hunger for democratic innovation: the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Polis in the words of their ‘creators’

Watch the video or read the transcript of ‘Democratic innovation: why we need it and how we can do it’, a webinar featuring Art O’Leary on his experience of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Colin Megill on Polis, one of the most promising tools for enabling large-scale online deliberation. The webinar was held on 14 June 2023 and was moderated by Anne Bardsley from Koi Tū: the Centre for Informed Futures at Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland.
Photograph of Professor Michael Baker

Michael Baker speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM

Watch the video or read the transcript of Professor Michael Baker speaking to Trust Democracy’s 2023 AGM about disinformation, science, trust, democracy, and the newly established Public Health Communication Centre, download his presentation slides and access Trust Democracy’s AGM reports, statements and minutes.