Thursday 13 April, 5:00-7:30 pm, Wellington and by Zoom
UPDATE: Video recordings now available!
The NZ Council for Civil Liberties have posted the video recording of the event, and an article about the contributions from the panellists.
Trust Democracy’s write-up of some key points in the discussion is coming soon.
As you will have seen from our work over the last couple of years, Trust Democracy has put at lot of effort into developing Aotearoa New Zealand’s 4th National Action Plan as a member of the international Open Government Partnership.

Following on from this effort, we wanted to let you know about a forthcoming panel discussion with the CEO of the Open Government Partnership and others, including one of our committee members, Andrew Ecclestone. It will take place in Wellington on 13 April from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. If you’re outside Wellington a link to the livestream will be provided if you register at the link below (the livestream will start at 5:30 pm).
Details are below. Please register using the form at the link below, so we know how many to cater for as there will be refreshments before and after the discussion.
Please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested.Please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested.
Panellists and Moderator
- Sanjay Pradhan, Chief Executive Officer, Open Government Partnership
- Rt Hon Helen Clark, Ambassador, Open Government Partnership
- Helmut Modlik, Chief Executive Officer, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira
- Andrew Ecclestone, Deputy Chair, NZ Council for Civil Liberties and Trust Democracy committee member
- Suzanne Snively, Member, NZ Open Government Partnership Expert Advisory Panel
Moderator: Dr Barbara Allen, Deputy Head, VUW School of Government
About the Event
Aotearoa New Zealand is regarded by others as being one of the most transparent, least corrupt, and most democratic countries in the world. But perceptions of these issues amongst people living in Aotearoa New Zealand can diverge, and there is a risk that governments have been resting on their laurels.
What does ‘open government’ mean? What does it mean in the context of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and tino rangatiratanga? What lessons can Aotearoa New Zealand learn from democratic backsliding in other countries? How can we make progress on public participation beyond voting in elections? And what new opportunities and challenges await us on the horizon?
Join this panel of domestic and international leaders as we consider these issues, in light of Aotearoa New Zealand’s recent fourth national action plan for open government.
The panel discussion will run 5.30-6.30pm with refreshments before and after the discussion.
The event will be held at Lecture Theatre 1, VUW Law School (Behind Old Government Buildings, access from Stout Street).
Register at
Trust Democracy has organised this event in collaboration with the Victoria University of Wellington School of Government, the NZ Council for Civil Liberties, Transparency International New Zealand, and the Open Government Partnership.