5.45-8.00pm, Monday 27 January, Lighthouse Cuba
Tag: Deliberative democracy
Leveraging Local Government’s Superpower
Trust Democracy Committee member Anna Curnow describes how local government is starting to embrace more deliberative and participatory approaches for its “superpower” of being close to its communities.
Emily Beausoleil speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM
Watch the video or read the transcript of Dr. Emily Beausoleil speaking to Trust Democracy’s 2024 AGM on whether democracy in settler-colonial societies like ours is a weapon or a tool. Download her presentation slides and access Trust Democracy’s AGM reports, statements and minutes.
The Future of Democracy: John Gastil’s visit to New Zealand
Listen to interviews Prof John Gastil recorded while in New Zealand and find out about the events he presented at on the future of democracy and promising democratic innovations in Auckland and Wellington in June 2024.
A hunger for democratic innovation: the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Polis in the words of their ‘creators’
Watch the video or read the transcript of ‘Democratic innovation: why we need it and how we can do it’, a webinar featuring Art O’Leary on his experience of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly and Colin Megill on Polis, one of the most promising tools for enabling large-scale online deliberation. The webinar was held on 14 June 2023 and was moderated by Anne Bardsley from Koi Tū: the Centre for Informed Futures at Waipapa Taumata Rau University of Auckland.
Helmut Modlik speaks to Trust Democracy’s AGM
Watch or listen to the recording of Helmut Modlik, Tumu Whakarae of Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, speaking to Trust Democracy’s AGM about his vision for deliberative community governance in Porirua.
Porirua’s forthcoming talanoa-wānanga experiment in deliberative community governance
A transcript of Helmut Modlik’s address, and the subsequent Q & A, at Trust Democracy’s Annual General Meeting that was held on 12 April 2022.
Could there be a seismic shift in democratic politics ‘after’ COVID?
This is a record of Democracy ‘after’ COVID, a Zoom workshop hosted by Trust Democracy on 2 November 2021 and led by Prof. Lyn Carson, the Research Director of the newDemocracy Foundation. A video, some reflections about what happened, and some suggested actions are included.