Trust Democracy is a volunteer-led incorporated society made up of members with a strong interest in our core question: “What does it take to make democracy work as it should?”
Trust Democracy organises events, workshops, conducts research and projects, engages in public policy and decision making processes, etc.
Becoming a member
We do not charge a membership fee and ask instead for koha or a donation. We ask you to decide how much you can afford and how much you would like to give.
Click here to see Trust Democracy’s Constitution. Please pay particular attention to Part 2 (Purposes) and Part 3 (Membership), including Rule 18, which relates to the privacy of members’ personal information.
Please fill out and submit our online application. Your application will be considered at the next monthly meeting of the Committee and you will be advised of the outcome.
Helping with a donation
While volunteers can do a lot by donating their time, energy and skills, financial donations are also very welcome. To donate, please go to our Givealittle page or make a direct transfer to our account. Please contact us to let use know you have made a donation.
Account name: Trust Democracy Incorporated
Account number: 38-9022-0586509-00
Telling others about us
Many hands make light of hard work. Please tell others about us, encourage people to come to events and generally spread the word!
Other ways to help
Please contact us if you would like to support us or contribute in others ways. That could be with ideas for guest speakers or articles for our website or opportunities for collaboration, etc.
Sign-up to our newsletter
You can support us better if you know what’s going on. To that end, please sign-up for our occasional newsletter.